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But one day I sat in the lounge at my workplace and listened to my straight coworkers talking about their boyfriends and husbands, and I thought, Men sound so simple. So easy. So much less complicated than women. Why am I even GAY? This sucks! I had a silent pity party for my gay ass right there while I poked at the remnants of my salad and thought about how easy it must be to be straight. I decided to place an online personal ad to find my rebound person and pick up the pieces of my shattered heart.

But instead of posting my ad as a woman seeking women, as usual, I decided to be a woman seeking men. It felt foreign, strange, and even sort of like an out-of-body experience. I had no idea what to say to attract men, so I kept my profile short and sweet. I said nothing about my lesbianism and lack of experience with men in my profile. Once I posted my ad, I told absolutely no one about it.

I'm a Lesbian Who Went On A Date With A Man

Within an hour of placing my ad, my personals inbox was flooded with responses from men. The messages continued pouring in. And I realized that straight women may have it easier, in some regards, what with straight privilege and all, but my god… how do they keep up with all of their messages on dating apps?! One man, in particular, stuck out. He seemed genuine in his interest.

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Smart and kind, based on the stories he shared about himself. And he had a pretty face with long, beautiful eyelashes. When he asked me to meet him for a drink the following day, I agreed. With sweaty palms and shaky hands, I greeted him with a small hug. As we sat next to each other at the bar and exchanged stories about our lives, I felt unsure of how to conduct myself. As he spoke, I kept thinking about how nice he seemed but how wrong the date felt. I thought about how my mom might die of happiness if she thought there was even a hint of a possibility of me living a straight life.

That thought made my stomach hurt. After two beers, I told him I had to get home because I had plans with a friend later. Though he reached for my hand as we walked to the subway station, I pretended not to see as I slipped my hands into my jacket pockets. We said goodbye, and I kept myself at an awkward distance. He called me the following day and asked for a second date. Sexual as well as relational satisfaction are essential characteristics of intimate relationships, and important predictors of both relationship stability and partner's subjective well-being Bradbury and Karney, Given its symptomatology, PCOS is assumed to be a chronic stressor for couples to deal with, and to have the potential to undermine both partners' sexual and relational satisfaction.

In order to develop evidence-based psychological interventions for PCOS women and their partners, research on the intimate life of couples where the woman has PCOS is essential. As a point of major empirical and clinical interest, we also explored potential differences between PCOS women and their partners in the association between PCOS characteristics on the one hand and sexual and relational satisfaction on the other hand, by performing dyadic statistical analyses.

Psychometrically validated questionnaires were used to assess all the variables included in the current study. At the start of the lifestyle modification program, all 31 PCOS women as well as their partners were informed about the current study by the treating physician and all agreed to participate. Clinical hyperandrogenism was diagnosed by evaluating the presence of visible hair growth and facial acne. The acne parameter was evaluated by asking women whether facial acne was present or not. Parity and gravidity, both indicators of subfertility, were registered and women were also asked if they had a current unfulfilled wish to conceive.

All PCOS women were given basic instructions to fill out the questionnaire around their first consultation in the lifestyle modification program. The MMQ was filled out by the PCOS women as well as by their partners around their first consultation in the lifestyle modification program.

The sexual satisfaction subscale and the marital satisfaction subscale were used to assess each participant's subjective evaluation of their sexual life and intimate relationship, respectively. Subscale scores were calculated separately for the PCOS women and their partners by computing the sum of their responses on all items in the respective subscales. Scores on the sexual satisfaction subscale could range from 0 to 40 and scores on the marital satisfaction subscale could range from 0 to 80, with higher scores reflecting lower levels of satisfaction.

In this study, Cronbach's alphas were adequate to good between 0. Couples gave their written informed consent for participation and follow-up. Dyadic analyses were performed to take into account the interdependence of both partners in a couple and to explore potential differences between partners in the association of PCOS characteristics with satisfaction. For each outcome variable separately, a mixed model accounting for the correlation within dyads was fitted.

Models with objective predictors i. PCOS-related concerns separately were built using forward-stepwise regression. For each of the predictors, we allowed for a different association for the PCOS women and their partners. Couples with a missing outcome in one of the partners were included in the LMM analysis, but being missing in the predictors implied the deletion of the data from that couple.

Effect sizes reflecting the effect of each predictor on the PCOS woman's and their partner's outcome together were calculated using Cohen's f 2 Selya et al. The MMQ sexual and relational satisfaction subscale scores of both PCOS women and their partners were also compared with published normative data from a sample of heterosexual, married adults Joseph et al. All other statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version The PCOS women and their partners had an average age of The median length of their relationship was 63 IQR One couple was lesbian.

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Of the 31 PCOS women, 28 Firstly, a lower parity tended to be associated with higher levels of sexual and relational satisfaction in both PCOS women and their partners. Secondly, a higher BMI of PCOS women tended to be associated with lower levels of sexual and relational satisfaction for the women, whereas a higher BMI of PCOS women tended to be associated with higher levels of sexual and relational satisfaction for their partners. Thirdly, the presence of a current unfulfilled wish to conceive tended to be associated with higher levels of relational satisfaction in both PCOS women and their partners.

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Higher levels of infertility-related concerns also tended to be associated with higher levels of relational satisfaction in the partners of PCOS women. This association was not significantly different between PCOS women and their partners.

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Joseph et al. In the current study, we investigated the association of PCOS i. Most of these associations were significantly different for PCOS women and their partners. Firstly, we found that a lower parity tended to be associated with higher levels of sexual and relational satisfaction in both PCOS women and their partners. Additionally, we observed that the presence of a current unfulfilled wish to conceive and a higher level of infertility-related concerns was significantly associated with higher levels of relational satisfaction in both PCOS women and their partners.

This pattern of results might be explained by the fact that childless couples i. It should be noted however that existing evidence on the infertility-satisfaction association is inconsistent. For example, Bringhenti et al. Also, Monga et al. In our study, we observed no association of a current unfulfilled wish to conceive and infertility-related concerns with sexual satisfaction in PCOS women and their partners. This is in line with the Tan et al.

Similarly, the Iris et al.

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In contrast Shoji et al. Secondly, since PCOS is often accompanied by changes in women's physical appearance e. In line with this expectation, we observed, taking into account that only overweight women with PCOS were included in the current study, a trend towards an association between a higher BMI and lower levels of sexual and relational satisfaction in PCOS women.


To our knowledge, there is currently no evidence available about the association of BMI with relational satisfaction in a general female population. Also in the Yaylali et al. A series of studies also document the opposite pattern. For example, Elsenbruch et al. Similarly, two studies, performed in a general female sample, found that overweight and obesity as expressed by BMI were no risk factors for sexual satisfaction as measured by the Female Sexual Function Index Kadioglu et al.

To our knowledge, there is currently no evidence, available from other PCOS studies, nor from non-PCOS studies, about this association in a male sample, with which our results could be compared. We also observed that higher levels of acne-related concern in PCOS women were significantly associated with lower levels of sexual satisfaction within both PCOS women and their partners.

The study by Hahn et al. However, our results reflect the association of PCOS women's concern about the presence of acne with satisfaction, rather than the association of the objective degree of acne with satisfaction. As the evidence about the association of PCOS characteristics e. Moreover, since we do not know with certainty whether all women included in these studies were women without PCOS, it is not possible to make a statement about these associations in a non-PCOS population.

Taken together, it is hard to compare our findings with evidence from a non-PCOS population and it is even harder to decide if our findings are unique to a PCOS population. For example, depression might influence the association of PCOS with sexual satisfaction, given, on the one hand, the increased levels of depression in PCOS women compared with age-matched controls Elsenbruch et al.

Unfortunately, we were not able to correct our analyses for this confounding factor since we had no detailed information about the presence of depression at the time of recruitment. Nevertheless, given this existing evidence, caution is warranted when interpreting the association of PCOS with the level of sexual satisfaction as reflecting a direct association. This also stresses the importance of adjusting the performed analyses for confounding factors in future research.

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  • Thirdly, we found significantly lower levels of sexual and relational satisfaction in PCOS women when compared with their partners. Thus far, only one study reported on the differential influence of a chronic disease on the satisfaction of both partners in a couple. It should be noted, however, that the study by Van Son-Schoones included female as well as male patients and the interdependence of both partners in a couple was not taken into account only half of the patient's partners participated in the study and no dyadic statistical analyses were performed.