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In a survey I conducted of over Yale students, almost all of the single respondents, ambition be damned, said they were currently seeking a relationship involving dating, commitment or, at the very least, monogamous sex.

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Choosing sex dating and relationships sites in Australia as a way to find a potential sex partner, you need to create your own profile there. Demographic niches: These sites can cater to people who are only interested in dating within a specific religion, income level, race and more. The mistake? Trying to do too many things at once. Focus, by definition, means narrowing your field of vision and attention. I realized that each time I jumped from idea to idea, I was diluting my efforts. After several months of super-hard concentrated effort, I launched the Branding Summit at the end of , one of the largest virtual gatherings of experts on personal branding anywhere.

When you try to be the best podcaster, blogger, author, business coach and event producer all at the same time, you end up being mediocre at all of them. Pick one like learning how to master the art and science of cold emailing.

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And work it, hard. Make that a focus from day one. If you want to hear the best advice that over 60 online experts and world-class business owners have on list building, check out the online event of the year, List Building School. Execution is equally if not more important than the actual idea. Ideation is the easy and fun part and execution is the hard and tedious one. So no one bites.

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So even though you have a great product, no one sees it. Publishers ignore it. In turn, we sacrifice the best possible outcome. And this is painful because the solution is retrospectively so obvious: patience. Take time with each new idea; flesh it out; design it fully; have a plan and not just hope. And he encouraged his readers to build a grass-roots wireless telephony network -- a nationwide array of amateur radio repeater towers that was the precursor to today's cellular networks.

For him, only what's ahead matters. I live mostly in the future," he says.

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Some people have described Wayne Green as a visionary and entrepreneur. He actually taught people to think. Many hams have been searching for reprints or back issues floating around. He said he didn't know of any source other than scanning in over 50, pages. Which he thought was daunting to sell maybe dozens of CDs. However, Buckmaster was one of the first to have microfilmed, and later, scanned issues of the magazine.

From what I have found, the microfilmed versions advertised for sale over the years were purchased by most major technical colleges. So, never fear, it is out there as several university libraries still have it available. The PDF files are available via the internet only to students and faculty. With current law copyrights expire after author's lifespan plus 70 years.

One would have to get the permission of every author who had written for 73 Magazine in order to make a CD-ROM collection available. Wayne sold 73 a couple times which further complicates the matter. The transfer of copyright agreements is unclear slipper slope due to the various royalty and copyright issues that existed between contributing authors and 73 Magazine. However, many authors have said they are okay with having their articles reprinted as long as its at no charge.

Magazine articles were scanned, quality corrected, and index by an army of individuals, and collected together for Internet Archive by Jason Scott of textfiles. Concerning a searchable master index of articles.

OCLC shows that there are three libraries which have that 73 Magazine index, they are:. Can I get an index for our collection? The best thing you can do is check the year-end issues. By entering a key word in the article description, you can search for articles on nearly every subject and locate the issue you need.

The database is very comprehensive, covering many amateur radio general-interest and specialty magazines. Didah also publishes smaller, less-expensive software packages for each of most popular ham magazines. Some of their bibliographies are available in printed form, too. Contact Didah Publishing at P. Box , Nashua, NH , telephone The following preface describes his work and wonderful resource. The printed 73 Magazine index from is about pages. I suggest contacting him if this or his software would be useful to you. The term radio communications is defined by this book in a much broader sense.

It encompasses the early days of radio, at the turn of the century, in which wireless transmissions were the only form of communications. But it doesn't stop there. It continues through the 20th century to include the more advanced forms of data communications.

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Beverage is a long wire antenna that was developed in the early 20s. It, and similar type antennas made it possible to clearly receive radio signals from across the Atlantic. This antenna has stood the "test of time" and is used today by radio amateurs, commercial services and the military. It's a series of satellites that enable radio amateurs to communicate through a small handheld unit to others half way around tho world. Amateur radio, is what this book is about. At least that was the initial impetus that urged me to put this massive compendium together. Radio amateurs, of which I'm proud to include myself among their rank, number almost a half million strong in the United States and are found in literally every other county in the world.

They are a disparate group, speaking collectively hundreds of different languages and working in an even greater number of divers professions. Many who have chosen to delve into the technical mysteries of radio have contributed immensely. Think of any major technological breakthrough in the field of communications and the probability is great that there were at least several radio amateurs present, advancing the state of the art.

In many famous cases amateur radio discoveries were made prior to even commercial interest involvement. However, only a small percentage of radio "amateurs" publish their findings in the professional and radio journals. This very fact has driven me to uncover this wealth of knowledge so that others might benefit.

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Names that have meaning to many in the professional world jump out from those pages: Armstrong, the inventor of FM; Brown, Kraus, King, Lewis, and Schelkunoff legends in the field of antenna theory; Friis, Lamb, Rohde, Tuska, and Villard in receiver design, to name a few. These giants in the field of communications have either published in the magazines or greatly influenced the writings and efforts of others.

Access to Columbia University's Engineering Library with its immense open-shelf collection of technical journals provided me the opportunity to spend countless pleasurable hours researching communications topics. Fifteen years of a page-by-page scrutiny embodies this bibliography.