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Help-seeking was defined as use of formal e. Variables included two cultural variables: machismo i. Results indicated participants with higher levels of familismo sought informal help more frequently than those with lower levels.

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Women with grade school education, no English proficiency, and undocumented status sought formal help less frequently than those not constrained by these barriers. The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences that Hispanic community-dwelling women have with regard to substance abuse , violence, and risky sexual behaviors. Eight focus groups with 81 women were conducted. A bilingual, bicultural moderator asked women open-ended questions regarding the experiences that Hispanic women have with these conditions.

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Focus groups were audiotaped, transcribed, translated, verified, and then analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Participants discussed substance abuse , violence, and risky sexual behaviors interchangeably, often identifying common risk factors associated with these. Nevertheless, intimate partner violence was the most salient of conditions discussed. Three major themes emerged from the analysis: Transplantadas en otro mundo Uprooted in another world , El criador de abuso The breeding ground of abuse , and Rompiendo el silencio Breaking the silence.

To date, minimal research has focused on the recovery process for survivors of intimate partner violence IPV. The researchers aimed to understand key factors involved in their recovery processes. Results indicated two main processes in the IPV recovery process: intrapersonal processes and interpersonal processes.

Intrapersonal processes included a regaining and recreating one's identity, b embracing the freedom and power to direct one's own life, c healing from the mental and physical health symptoms of the abuse , d fostering acceptance and forgiveness with self and abuser , e education and examination of abusive relationships, f determining whether and how to enter new intimate relationships, and g acknowledging the long-term process of overcoming abuse. Interpersonal processes included themes of a building positive social support and relationships and b using ones' experiences with abuse to help others.

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Results of the present study are presented, and implications for practitioners are discussed. Engendering independence while living with purpose: women's lives after leaving abusive intimate partners. The purpose of this study was to determine the common meanings a history of violence has for women out of abusive and violent relationships with an intimate male partner for 5 or more years. To describe the common meanings and shared practices of women who left violent and abusive heterosexual intimate relationships 5 or more years ago, the challenges they face in their current lives, and the resources they use to meet those challenges.

An additional aim is to elucidate practical advice they have for others who want to be supportive of the efforts of women recovering from intimate partner violence. An interpretive phenomenological approach using Heideggerian hermeneutics was utilized. Participants were recruited by means of fliers distributed through a domestic violence listserv and through postings in health clinics in western New York.

Interviews were recorded and transcribed. A hermeneutic team approach was used for analysis and interpretation of texts. Twenty-one women of various ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, who self-identified as being out of abusive relationships for 5 or more years, were interviewed. Six themes were identified: developing and maintaining self reliance; negotiating relationships; creating a safe and supportive environment; challenging societal roles and expectations; nurturing the self; and protecting the children.

Engendering independence while living with purpose was the constitutive pattern that unified the themes. Women can successfully establish productive, meaningful lives after violence and will fiercely protect and maintain their independence as they negotiate relationships and developmental challenges throughout their lives.

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A need for control of their lives and difficulty trusting others remain a lasting legacy of living with a history of violence. This is the first study that examines women's lives 5 or more years after leaving violent and. Drug abuse and aggression between intimate partners : a meta-analytic review.

The present investigation employed meta-analytic procedures to quantitatively evaluate the empirical evidence on the relationship between drug abuse and aggression between intimate partners. Marijuana was also identified as having a significant association with partner aggression. Moderator analyses revealed that relative to other groups, married or cohabiting couples and Black participants evidenced significantly stronger effect sizes. The findings are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms linking drugs to partner aggression, and implications for future research are discussed in terms of focusing on conducting studies that assess the interaction of context and temporal sequencing of drugs and partner aggression.

Propensity for intimate partner abuse and workplace productivity: why employers should care.

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It has been demonstrated that intimate partner violence IPV victimization is costly to employers, but little is known about the economic consequences associated with employing perpetrators. Results suggest that greater propensity for abusiveness is positively associated with missing work and experiencing worse productivity on the job, controlling for level of education, income, marital status, age, and part-time versus full-time employment status.

Additional research could clarify whether IPV perpetration is a predictor of decreased productivity among larger samples and a wider variety of workplace settings. Employers and IPV advocates should consider responding to potential IPV perpetrators through the workplace in addition to developing victim-oriented policies and prevention initiatives. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among U.

This study examined the relative influences of PTSD, other psychopathology, and intimate partner alcohol and drug use on substance-related problems in U. Findings shed new light on the influence of relationship factors on veteran alcohol and drug use and underscore the importance of couples-oriented approaches to treating veterans with comorbid PTSD and substance abuse. Maternal childhood abuse , intimate partner violence, and child psychopathology: the mediator role of mothers' mental health. This study examined the mediator role of mothers' mental health in the relationship among maternal childhood abuse CA , intimate partner violence IPV , and offspring's psychopathology, and explored whether mediational pathways were moderated by children's sex.

Participants were Spanish outpatient children, 8 to 17 years old, and their mothers.

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Mothers' global psychological distress and depressive symptoms mediated the associations between mothers' violence history and children's externalizing problems. However, only depressive symptoms fully mediated these relationships. Children's sex did not have a moderating role in adjusted paths. Mothers' depressive symptoms are an important mechanism by which maternal violence experiences could affect externalizing problems in Spanish children.

The interplay of trait anger, childhood physical abuse , and alcohol consumption in predicting intimate partner aggression. The current study examined three well-established risk factors for intimate partner aggression IPA within Finkel and Eckhardt's I 3 model, including two impellance factors-trait anger and childhood physical abuse history-and the disinhibiting factor of alcohol consumption. Participants were male and female college students in a committed heterosexual dating relationship who completed a battery of self-report measures assessing childhood physical abuse , trait anger, alcohol consumption, and IPA perpetration.

Results revealed a significant three-way interaction showing that as the disinhibition factor alcohol consumption increased, the interaction of the two impelling factors, trait anger and childhood physical abuse , became increasingly more positive. Individuals who had high levels of childhood physical abuse and alcohol consumption were at greater risk of IPA perpetration when trait anger was high.

Consistent with the I 3 model, these findings suggest that trait anger and a history of childhood physical abuse may increase tendencies to aggress against one's partner , whereas alcohol consumption may reduce individuals' abilities to manage these aggressive tendencies. The importance of interplay among these risk factors in elevating IPA risk is discussed, as are the implications for clinicians working with male and female IPA perpetrators.

Patterns of work-related intimate partner violence and job performance among abusive men.

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This study assesses different types of work-related intimate partner violence IPV perpetration and their relationship to perpetrators' work performance and employment. We determine if groups of abusive men with similar patterns of work-related IPV exist and then examine whether the patterns are related to their characteristics, job performance, and employment outcomes. Five distinct clusters were identified and named based on the pattern predominance or absence of different work-related abusive behaviors reported: a low-level tactics, b job interference, c job interference with threatened or actual violence, d extreme abuse without jealousy and e extreme abuse.

Analyses revealed significant differences between the clusters on ethnicity, parental status, partner 's employment status, income, education, and among Latinos only acculturation.

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The probability of men's work-related IPV substantially impacting their own job performance was nearly 4 times greater among those in the extreme abuse cluster than those in the low-level tactics cluster. These data inform the development of employee training programs and workplace policies for reducing IPV that affects the workplace. Patterns of cumulative abuse among female survivors of intimate partner violence: links to women's health and socioeconomic status. We find a relationship pattern between cumulative abuse and socioeconomic circumstances, and significantly worse health outcomes among women with the All Forms Extreme profile.

Implications for research and practice are discussed. Intimate partner violence IPV and child abuse CA are two forms of family violence with shared qualities and risk factors, and are forms of violence that tend to overlap. Acceptability of violence in partner relationships is a known risk factor in IPV just as acceptability of parent-child aggression is a risk factor in CA.

We hypothesized that these acceptability attitudes may be linked and represent the expression of a general, underlying nonspecific acceptance of violence in close family relationships. The sample involved male IPV offenders participating in a batterer intervention program. Implicit measures, which assess constructs covertly to minimize response distortions, were administered to assess acceptability of partner violence against women and acceptability of parent-child aggression. To determine whether acceptability attitudes regarding both forms of violence were related to a higher order construct tapping general acceptance of family violence, Bayesian confirmatory factor analyses were conducted.

Findings supported a hierarchical bifactor model with a general factor expressing a nonspecific acceptance of family violence, and two specific factors reflecting acceptability of violence in intimate partner and parent-child relationships, respectively. This hierarchical model supporting a general acceptance of violence in close family relationships can inform future research aiming to better understand the connections between IPV and CA. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed levels and types of psychological and physical intimate partner abuse IPA , and the association of IPA with socio-demographic factors and health consequences.

The Abusive Behavior Inventory was completed by Jordanian women. IPA was higher among older women who were: of older age, of younger age at marriage, married to unemployed spouses, living in urban residence, and of lower educational level. IPA was associated with most of the health problems except dental injuries and burns. We recommend educational programs that raise women's awareness to their rights to education, free choices in marital age, and policies that mitigate IPA in Jordan and similar patriarchal societies.

To analyze the evolution of the prevalence in intimate partner violence during the years and in Mexico, identifying factors associated with its severity, comparing our results with findings from A total of 22, women above 14 years of age were interviewed. A multinomial logistic regression model was adjusted. The dependent variable was the Index of Intimate Partner Abuse.

Male partner 's daily alcohol consumption increased eleven fold the possibility of severe violence; higher disagreement with traditional female gender roles and higher education of both partners were protective factors. Factors associated with violence and their severities were consistent with findings reported in Intimate partner violence is a highly prevalent social problem which requires comprehensive strategies supporting empowerment of women through higher education, early detection and care of those battered, as well as structured interventions to prevent violence in future generations.

Alcohol and drug abuse among U. This study examined the relative influences of posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD , other psychopathology, and intimate partner alcohol and drug use on substance-related problems in U. Published Scenarios varied in terms of couple sexual orientation heterosexual or lesbian and type of abuse physical or nonphysical. Results indicate that…. Comparing policies for children of parents attending hospital emergency departments after intimate partner violence, substance abuse or suicide attempt.

Hoytema van Konijnenburg, Eva M. To improve identification of child maltreatment, a new policy 'Hague protocol' was implemented in hospitals in The Netherlands, stating that adults attending the hospital emergency department after intimate partner violence, substance abuse or a suicide attempt should be asked whether they care. Hoytema van Konijnenburg, E. Objective: Using a longitudinal, randomized controlled trial, this study assessed the impact of a community-based outreach versus a more traditional criminal justice system-based referral program on women's distress and safety following police-reported intimate partner abuse IPA.

Taxonomy and hierarchy of psychological abuse strategies in intimate partner relationships. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available Taking a psychosocial perspective this study analyses the components of psychological abuse in intimate adult partner violence against women. Following a review of studies on the subject the main objective that emerged was the need for a new taxonomy of psychological abuse strategies, one which should include their corresponding operational definitions. The proposed new classification was then evaluated by means of a Delphi study involving 32 experts from the academic and professional worlds.

These experts were asked to assess the suitability of the system categories and to rate the severity of the impact made by each of the strategies on the global phenomenon of psychological abuse in couples. The results show that the experts ratified the new classification of strategies and the corresponding operational definitions, thereby endorsing their content and construct validity.

When rating the strategies according to the severity of their impact, those of an emotional nature were considered the most severe, followed by those related to the immediate context, those of a cognitive nature and, finally, behavioural strategies. We discuss the results and their implications. Subjection, subjectivity, and agency: the power, meaning, and practice of mothering among women experiencing intimate partner abuse. Drawing on in-depth interviews with mothers who were abused by intimate partners , we argue that mothering can be a source of empowerment that helps battered women both care for their children and survive and assert themselves.

Women in the study sample described a violation of some aspect of their mothering as the reason they left their partners.