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Belarus: The Square of Change. Share Belarus: The Square of Change with your friends. Save Belarus: The Square of Change to your collection. This article contributes to the nascent literature on the effect of grade retention in school on later labour market success. A field experiment is conducted to rule out the endogeneity of both outcomes. Overall, grade retention does not significantly affect positive call-back by employers.

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This finding is consistent with Queuing theory. Neemt etnische discriminatie af met arbeidsmarktkrapte in beroep? In dit onderzoek testen we de samenhang tussen aanwervingsdiscriminatie enerzijds en arbeidsmarktkrapte i. Daartoe sturen we paren van fictieve sollicitanten naar bestaande vacatures die verschillen naar arbeidsmarktkrapte. Aan deze paren worden op een lukrake manier een Vlaamse naam ene kandidaat en Turkse naam andere kandidaat toegevoegd. Enerzijds vinden we dat Vlaamse en Turkse kandidaten geen ongelijke behandeling ondergaan wanneer ze solliciteren voor knelpuntberoepen hoge krapte.

Anderzijds krijgen Vlaamse kandidaten meer dan dubbel zoveel uitnodigingen voor een jobgesprek voor niet-knelpuntberoepen lage krapte. We empirically test the cross-sectional relationship between hiring discrimination and labor market tightness at the level of the occupation. To this end, we conduct a correspondence test in the youth labor market. In line with theoretical expectations, we find that, compared to natives, candidates with a foreign sounding name are equally often invited to a job interview if they apply for occupations for which vacancies are difficult to fill, but they have to send twice as many applications for occupations for which labor market tightness is low.

Our findings are robust against various sensitivity checks. Bart Cockx , Drs. Niels Gheyle and Cora Vandamme. Evidence from a Field Experiment". Worden allochtonen die aan vrijwilligerswerk doen minder gediscrimineerd op de arbeidsmarkt?

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Many governments encourage migrants to participate in volunteer activities as a stepping stone to labour market integration. In the present study, we investigate whether this prosocial engagement lowers the hiring discrimination against them. To this end, we use unique data from a field experiment in which fictitious job applications are sent in response to real vacancies in Belgium. Ethnic origin and volunteer activities are randomly assigned to these applications.

While non-volunteering native candidates receive more than twice as many job interview invitations as non-volunteering migrants, no unequal treatment is found between natives and migrants when they reveal volunteer activities. Worden allochtonen met meer werkervaring minder gediscrimineerd?

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We test whether ethnic discrimination is heterogeneous by job candidates' work experience. Fictitious applications are sent to vacancies. We find significant discrimination when candidates have no or little experience but no unequal treatment when they have twenty years of experience. Jarno Stappers. Hangt aanwervingsdiscriminatie samen met bedrijfsgrootte?

We study the association between firm size and hiring discrimination against women, ethnic minorities and older job candidates. To this end, we merge field experimental measures on unequal treatment against these groups with firm-level data. These data enable us to assess whether discrimination varies by indicators of firm size, keeping other firm characteristics constant.

In contrast with our theoretical expectations, we find no evidence for an association between firm size and hiring discrimination. On the other hand, we do find suggestive evidence for hiring discrimination being lower in respect of public or non-profit firms compared to commercial firms.

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Komt etnische discriminatie door voorkeuren of statistieken? Enerzijds is er de theorie van de voorkeursdiscriminatie: werkgevers discrimineren op basis van hun algemeen voorkeur voor of afkeer van samenwerking met bepaalde minderheidsgroepen of de voorkeuren van hun klanten of andere werknemers. Anderzijds is er de theorie van de statistische discriminatie: werkgevers worden bij het beoordelen van jobkandidaten geconfronteerd met beperkte informatie en leiden uit bepaalde kenmerken andere niet-waargenomen zaken zoals motivatie en algemene aanleg af.

Daarbij is het mogelijk dat individuen die tot minderheidsgroepen behoren ongunstig behandeld worden op basis van percepties omtrent de groep waartoe zij behoren. Onze onderzoeksbevindingen bieden, specifiek voor etnische discriminatie, ondersteuning voor de eerste theorie: werkgevers discrimineren vanuit de perceptie dat hun klanten en andere werknemers samenwerking met autochtonen verkiezen. Employing a vignette experiment, we test the empirical importance of key attitudes underlying the models of taste-based and statistical discrimination in explaining ethnic hiring discrimination.

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We find that employer concern that co-workers and customers prefer collaborating with natives drives discrimination. Ann-Sophie De Pauw. Factcheck: waarom discrimeren sommige werkgevers jegens etnische minderheden? Scholars have gone to great lengths to chart the incidence of ethnic labour market discrimination. To effectively mitigate this discrimination, however, we need to understand its underlying mechanisms because different mechanisms lead to different counteracting measures.

To this end, we reviewed the recent literature that confronts the seminal theories of taste-based and statistical discrimination against the empirical reality. First, we observed that the measurement operationalisation of the mechanisms varied greatly between studies, necessitating the development of a measurement standard.

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Second, we found that 20 out of 30 studies examining taste-based discrimination and 18 out of 34 studies assessing statistical discrimination produced supportive evidence for said mechanisms. Louis Lippens, Drs. Abel Ghekiere, Prof. Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe and Prof. Eva Derous. Dragen werkgeversvoorkeuren bij tot het minder snel maken van promotie door vrouwen? We investigate the importance of employer preferences in explaining Sticky Floors, the pattern that women are, compared to men, less likely to start to climb the job ladder.

To this end we perform a randomised field experiment in the Belgian labour market and test whether hiring discrimination based on gender is heterogeneous by the promotion characteristics of the selected jobs. On the other hand, their hiring chances are not significantly affected by the job authority level of the job.

Ann-Sophie De Pauw and Prof. Nick Deschacht. Onderzoeksresultaten genderdiscriminatie op basis van veldexperimenten: vertekend? Correspondence studies are nowadays viewed as the most compelling avenue to test for hiring discrimination. However, these studies suffer from one fundamental methodological problem, as formulated by Heckman and Siegelman The Urban Institute audit studies: Their methods and findings.

Fix, and R. Struyk Eds. In this study, the authors empirically investigate this bias in the context of gender discrimination. The authors do not find significant evidence for the feared bias. Dragen de eigen voorkeuren bij tot het minder snel maken van promotie door vrouwen? This study tests hypotheses regarding the importance of employee preferences in explaining Sticky Floors, the pattern that women are, compared to men, less likely to start to climb the job ladder.

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To this end we conduct a vignette study in which participants had to score the likeliness with which they would accept job offers with different promotion characteristics. In addition, they were surveyed on a number of preferences and attitudes. The main findings are that female young professionals have a less pronounced preference for jobs implying a promotion in terms of job content and that this effect is mediated by the greater risk aversion and anticipated gender discrimination among the women in our sample. No gender differences were found in the relative likeliness to apply for jobs that involve a promotion in terms of job authority.

Using a field experiment, we investigate whether discrimination based on women's sexual orientation differs by age and family constraints. We find weakly significant evidence of discrimination against young heterosexual women. This effect is driven by age and fertility rather than by motherhood. We do not find any unequal treatment at older ages. Discrimineren werkgevers die risico's schuwen vaker tegenover homoseksuelen? De deelnemers aan dit experiment dienden fictieve aanwervingsbeslissingen te nemen over hetzij een heteroseksuele, hetzij een homoseksuele jobkandidaat.

Daarnaast werd ook hun risico-aversie gemeten. Wat bleek?